A Piece of My Heart

I composed this psalm of praise for one of my seminary classes. It’s not perfect, but I really enjoyed writing it. I found it incredibly therapeutic. You may consider writing your own personal psalm to God one day!

For sharing with others. A psalm of Leah.

I thought my life had ended,

       but God made it a new beginning;

    I thought I was alone in the darkness,

       but God met me in that dark place.

He lifted me from the pit of despair,

       out of my heart’s shattered pieces;

    He reintroduced me to living hope,

       He reassemble the pieces of my heart.

He gave me a story to share,

       a testimony of His faithfulness through loss.

    Many people will hear this story,

       and they will find new hope in Him.

4  How blessed are the people

       whose ultimate hope is in God,

    who do not place their hope in circumstances,

       ever-changing things that can be lost.

5  I cannot count, dear Father, my God

       all the mighty works of Your hands,

       all the ways You bless me every day.

   You are my everything;

       no person can take Your place,

       no thing can take Your place.

My impressive image and words You did not desire;

        but it was my heart You wanted,

        my belief in Your character and Your Word.

7   My response to You is, “Yes, LORD, I believe;

        help me overcome any unbelief.”

8   I desire to fulfill all Your plans for me;

        You are the treasure of my heart.

9   I will teach and preach everywhere You send me, LORD;

         I will pour out every word You deposit in me.

10  I will not hide or be silent;

          I will declare Your faithfulness and Your goodness.

      I will not hide or be silent;

          I will declare Your love and Your grace.

I pray you were blessed by this piece of my heart I’ve shared with you!

Your Sister-Friend,



War Ready


Remember to Remember